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Earn 10,000 US Airways Dividend Miles By Switching To Energy Plus Utility!


I recently received an email from US Airways offering me 10,000 bonus miles if I signed up and switched utility providers. Since we are based in the Philadelphia area, PECO was our long time provider. Alternative providers became available after deregulations.

To be honest, we have gotten lots of junk mails from “new” providers promising savings. If you read the fine prints, the promised savings is only guaranteed for one year and after that, who knows. It’s like the cable companies and high speed internet services. They tell you the savings for the year, but never tell you whether you will save in the long term! The reason why I never took up these offers is that in the event of a severe weather (thunderstorms, snow etc), PECO (the local folks) will send folks quickly to fix broken lines etc. I’m not too sure how this will work for out of state providers who promise only savings for a year.

So I guess it comes as no surprises that utility providers will team up with airlines and try to use air miles as the “bait and switch”!

Below is a screenshot of the email I got from US Airways.

usairways energy plus email

Fine Prints and Details – So here are some of the fine prints of this offer. Firstly, you will receive the 10,000 bonus miles after 2 billing cycles (ie you have used the service for 2 months). You will also get to earn double miles for every dollar you spend on “supply portion of the bill”.

This offer is available only to Pennsylvania residents serviced by Duquesne Light Company, Met-Ed, PECO, Penelec, PPL Electric Utilities or West Penn Power. Another important thing to note is that Energy Plus is currently offering service to most customers that fall under the residential and small business rates classes. Below is the rate classes for companies that are eligible to switch.

The eligible Duquesne Light Company rate classes are RS and GS.
The eligible PPL Electric Utilities rate classes are RS, RTD, GS1/G1D, GS3, GH1, GH2 and SA.
The eligible Met-Ed and Penelec rate classes are RS, RT and GS.
The eligible PECO’s rate classes are R and GS (<100KW) rate classes, The eligible Penelec’s rate classes are RS and GS-Small rate classes, The eligible West Penn Power’s classes are RS and GS rate classes. Another thing to be aware of is that if you have solar panels and are using net meters, Energy Plus does not offer that service and if you do switch, you do not get any credits back from them. But the good thing about this deal is that you can open unlimited accounts. So if you have a home and a business office (that is not home based), you could potentially get 20,000 bonus miles! To be honest, 10,000 bonus miles is not enough for me to actually even bother switching utilities. But if you are going to switch to a cheaper provider, check if you have any similar offers from your frequent flier programs. I would go through your old email inboxes. If US Airways is sending this offer to residents in Pennsylvania, you can be sure they are partnering with other utilities in other states. And if you happen to want to switch to that partner, then you may find some extra miles coming into your account! usairways energyplus page

usairways energyplus - continued


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