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Well, What Now? Some Thoughts On The Economy


The mess on wall street has degenerated into a fist shaking, back biting, teeth gnashing mess – and I am totally entertained! Ok, so maybe I shouldn’t have quite so much glee as the infrastructure of the economy crashes and burns, I know.

I do have complete faith that big banking and big business will recover with no more than a temporary black eye. Now the little guy? You and me? Well, that’s not such a rosy prospect, now is it? So, I have to admit that while I’m thoroughly enjoying the media zoo surrounding recent events, I do have that small voice in the back of my mind (which sounds a lot like Morgan Freeman!) saying “Well, now, and what will this bailout mean for you in the long run? Hmm?

The fact is, most people agree that the bailout is A Very Good Thing. But I have yet to see anyone accurately predict what it will mean. We’ve reached the proverbial rock-and-a-hard-place, and there are no graceful ways to save the day. Only hard choices.

From a mass media perspective, this is the government’s attempt to swallow Pop Rocks and Coke. They’re just hoping no one’s stomach explodes.

Think it’ll work? It’ll take a miracle!

(Don’t know what this photo is? Sit back and let Miracle Max explain why the economy is only mostly dead! Memo to Washington: Please note that a chocolate coating will make the bailout go down easier. )

So. With all this uncertainty, let’s take a look at some of the folks who are giving us the real facts this week, shall we?

The Chocolate Coating (There’s A Pork Lining In Every Cloud):

For some fun facts on the wacky things that will be subsidized as part of the $700 million dollar bailout (Including wooden arrows and Jamaican Rum!) Check out these articles:

The Bitter Pill:

From the individuals actually daring to put forth an opinion on the bailout, here’s the news:

The Secret Ingredient:

Along with the continuation of the bailout saga, there were a few less-publicized but decidedly better smelling proposals from Washington this week.

Common Cents:

(The blogs for the rest of us!)

Editor’s Choice:

I had to pass these two on…

Carnivals, Festivals, and a Cuppa Cheer:

Thanks to these carnivals for featuring our articles this week.

Well, that concludes this week’s edition of “Help, we’ve fallen and we can’t get up!

Sincerely wishing that both you and the economy will live long and prosper!


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